For the sake of Lord Rama, the group that came here yesterday worked wholeheartedly today. Work is Mahayoga, Supreme Yoga. To go astray from the path of Karma is to create trouble for ourselves. Action is the source of all joy. Go on working. Go ahead, making progress. Work until your last breath.
The world is transitory. You will find stability only on the path of Karma Yoga. Only action can take a man to God and give him liberation. The law of Karma is so deep that no words are great enough to describe it. The day Karma stops on this earth will be the day of its dissolution (pralaya).
Brave ones, all of you, continue to work! Through Karma alone will you be able to change the world. It is the only way.
Today the world is playing with fire. We have to be ready to face fire, water and great storms and not be shaken. We have to go beyond the hope of life and the fear of death. Whatever happens, we must go ahead. Then only can we benefit the world. We have to bring the path of Karma into the light. Now the world is in deep darkness. The Revolution spreading in this world can be controlled by Karma alone.
(Babaji then whispered two mantras to Shastriji who repeated them: "Yadatma Dhrishchayaha: He who has control over himself, who is of determined mind, will succeed in life." "Utishchata Jagrata Prapta Varan Nibhoda Yata: Arise! Awake! Go and seek the wise and learn from them.")
You have come here from the four corners of the world. Today you should take a vow to work hard always and to spread the message of Karma wherever you go.