Be aware. Be awake to what is going on around you. Don't be asleep.
Be an observer for Babaji. Watch everything with diligence.
AWAKE NOW. This is my message. Most are asleep all the time.
Most are like sheep led to slaughter. Be a light unto yourself. Be strong.
Know that I have come to give. Only to give. Are you ready to receive?
I give everything. But few ask for the real thing I have come to give.
The real is not in wealth, not in scholarship, not in power.
These are what humans crave. These can never provide mental equanimity.
These can never provide what Babaji offers.
The real is what you are to seek. The real is what you are to know.
The real is what you are to own. The rest is maya.
Don't be attached to what is not real. Don't worry over that which is not real.
Awake to the real. Observe the real. This is my message.
The road to the real is through the path of Truth, Simplicity and Love.
This is what I offer. This is the message.
This is the Truth. Simplify, simplify, simplify.
The real is not complex. The simple truth answers the most complex question.
Observe the simple.
Seek the center. Contemplate the ground of being.
The simple created all of this complexity. The simple created maya.
Truth, Simplicity and Love.
Think about truth. Think about simplicity. Think about Love.
Many write about me. Take lovely pictures. Make beautiful music.
Few write about Truth, Simplicity and Love. They mention it in passing.
They never delve into it.
Go into my message.
This is the message I have given since the beginning of time and space.
You want real answers. Here they are-
The answer is...Truth, Simplicity and Love.
This is the message I have given to evolved sentient beings.
It is the core of all great religions.
It is the foundation, the cornerstone, the brick and mortar of the
sentient being who has destroyed the lower self.