Tuesday, December 02, 2008

buddha nature

"Are you a God?" they asked the Buddha.

"No," he replied.

"Are you an angel, then?"


"A saint?"


"Then what are you?"

Replied the Buddha, "I am awake."

-Huston Smith

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Are you ready for this?

From no-thing to no-thing. The movement of thought creates the maya of time and space. It creates the template for life housed in a body made out of food. It exists for a brief amount of time because thought is transient. The higher self, the unconditioned observer, is not created by thought. It has no movement, no template. It is not made out of food. It is not transient. It is not in time nor space. It is the spark of creation composed of Truth, Simplicity and Love. Attach to this and enjoy the destruction of desire. This is my message of a deeper nature. Are you ready for this?


Friday, November 14, 2008


31 JANUARY 1984..

You must all have a firm determination. Even if total destruction
comes or any great calamity comes, you must not be shaken from your
determination. If there is a great flood, if fire breaks out - in any
calamity - you must be so brave and determined that you would jump
into fire or water. You must inspire others also to become brave and

Only he who has courage is a true living being. One who has no courage
is like a dead man, even though he lives. We have tightened our belts
and taken a firm determination to do good to the world and uplift
humanity. You must stick to this resolve with your full energy.

Calamities will fall not just on one country but on the whole
universe; the whole universe is in danger. The terrible times which
are approaching will engulf the whole world; the whole universe will
be enveloped in this destruction. We must consider not only ourselves
but also the whole of the universe. We can achieve anything in this
world when we are hard working and industrious.

Because you must consider the whole universe, we should say "Jai
Vishwa!" instead of "Jai Hind!" "Jai Hind" means "Victory to India" -
"Jai Vishwa!" means "Victory to the whole Universe!"..

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

karma yoga

Still, the main importance must be given to Karma Yoga. Without Karma
Yoga it is not possible to progress in life - not only to achieve
material progress; Karma Yoga is essential for spiritual perfection,
as well. I consider an inactive man a dead man. Only through Karma
Yoga can you advance in your life; your heart becomes purified, your
thinking will be good. Karma Yoga is also beneficial for your health;
you will sleep well and have good appetite. A man with good appetite
and sound sleep is always a healthy man and with good health he can
achieve anything in life.

I have told you before that there are many kinds of Yoga, but Karma
Yoga is of supreme importance. Karma Yoga must come first, then others
types of Yoga can be added. In the name of Lord Rama, advance and
progress through Karma Yoga.

Thursday, October 09, 2008


Night and Day Nine:
Siddhidatri - She Who is of great spiritual Powers and knowledge
Siddhidatri begins at Sunset Oct. 7 and ends at Sunset Oct. 8.
(Usually, the final day?s activities wrap up after lunch time on the ninth day.)

Siddhidatri: Siddhidatri means the giver of siddhis (magical or spiritual powers for the control of self, others and the forces of nature). It is said in Devipuran that the Supreme God, Lord Shiva received all of these powers by propitiating the Maha Shakti. The Goddess is sometimes shown atop a lion and sometimes atop a lotus. She is shown as having four arms, which hold a club, a conch shell and a lotus. The fourth hand forms a gesture of granting. Siddhidatri is considered to be the most powerful of all the nine forms of Durga.

Durga is said to be extraordinarily beautiful; she does not use her beauty for seduction, but rather entrapment. She entices her victims and then defeats them. She rides a lion, and it appears whenever her strengths are needed. Her role is not that of creator, but rather that of a maintainer: she maintains cosmic order by defeating demons that plague the universe.

Durga is not only a powerful force for cosmic order but also a protector of her devotees. She listens to her devotees and attends to their needs.

Goddess Durga keeps up the play of the divine universal God through the three attributes of Nature, namely, Satva (equilibrium and serenity), Rajas (dynamism and kinesis) and Tamas (ignorance and inertia). Knowledge, peace, lust, anger, greed, egoism and pride, all are Her forms. Maha Saraswati is Her Sattviki Shakti or power of equilibrium. Maha Lakshmi is Her Rajasik Shakti or power of activity. And Maha Kali is Her Tamsik Shakti the power of destruction. All these are feminine forms.

Shiva's power is Shakti, the dynamic creative mother aspect of the Godhead. It is she who creates and at the time of dissolution, it is she who swallows her own creation. Shakti cannot exist without Shiva and Shiva cannot personify without Shakti.

Our beloved Mother, Saraswati, the goddess of learning, knowledge, music, speech and all the creative arts. She is the Flowing-One. She represents the union of power and intelligence from which organized creation arises. Saraswati possesses all the learnings of the the Vedas, scriptures, dancing, musical power and poetry. She revealed language and writing to man. Her origin is the lost Vedic river Saraswati. This is the source of her profound connection to fluidity in
any aspect (water, speech, thought...). She is wisdom, fortune, intelligence, nourishment, brilliance, contentment, splendor and devotion.

Monday, October 06, 2008

navaratri - night 8

SARASWATI: The last three days are devoted to Saraswati, the Goddess of
Wisdom, Knowledge and the Arts, wife of Brahma; it is a time of receiving Divine Guidance on how to properly use all resources sent your way. This is making most efficient and purposeful use of everything you are given.

Night and Day Eight:
Mahagauri - The Great White Goddess
Mahaguari begins at Sunset Oct. 6 and ends at Sunset on
Oct. 7

Goddess Saraswati is generally depicted with four arms (some pictures may show only two arms), wearing a white sari and seated on a white lotus. She holds a book and a mala in Her rear two hands, while the front two hands are engaged in the playing of a lute (veena). Her right leg is shown slightly pushing against Her left leg. She uses a swan as Her vehicle. There is a peacock by Her side gazing at Her. This symbolism illustrates the following spiritual ideas:

a.. The lotus is a symbol of the Supreme Reality, and a white lotus also denotes supreme knowledge. By sitting on a lotus, Saraswati signifies that She is Herself rooted in the Supreme Reality, and symbolizes supreme knowledge. The white color symbolizes purity and knowledge. The white sari that the Goddess is wearing denotes that She is the embodiment of pure knowledge.

b.. The four arms denote Her omnipresence and omnipotence. The two front arms indicate Her activity in the physical world and the two back arms signify Her presence in the spiritual world. The four hands represent the four elements of the inner personality. The mind (manas) is represented by the front right hand, the intellect (buddhi) by the front left hand, the conditioned consciousness (chitta) by the rear left hand, and the ego (ahankara) by the rear right hand.

c.. The left side of the body symbolizes the qualities of the heart and
the right side symbolizes activities of the mind and intellect. A book in the rear left hand signifies that knowledge acquired must be used with love and kindness to promote prosperity of mankind.

d.. The mala signifies concentration, meditation, and contemplation,
leading to samadhi, or union with God. A mala in the rear right hand
representing ego conveys that true knowledge acquired with love and devotion melts the ego and results in liberation (moksha) of the seeker from the bondage to the physical world.

e.. The Goddess is shown playing a musical instrument that is held in
Her front hands, which denote mind and intellect. This symbol conveys that the seeker must tune his mind and intellect in order to live in perfect harmony with the world. Such harmonious living enables the individual to utilize acquired knowledge for the welfare of all mankind.

f.. Two swans are depicted on the left side of the Goddess. A swan is
said to have a sensitive beak that enables it to distinguish pure milk from a mixture of milk and water. A swan, therefore, symbolizes the power of discrimination, or the ability to discriminate between right and wrong or good and bad. Saraswati uses the swan as Her carrier. This indicates that one must acquire and apply knowledge with discrimination for the good of mankind. Knowledge that is dominated by ego can destroy the world.

g.. A peacock is sitting next to Saraswati and is anxiously waiting to
serve as Her vehicle. A peacock depicts unpredictable behavior as its moods can be influenced by the changes in the weather. Saraswati is using a swan as a vehicle and not the peacock. This signifies that one should overcome fear, indecision, and fickleness in order to acquire true knowledge.
- Bansi Pandit

Sunday, October 05, 2008


SARASWATI: The last three days are devoted to Saraswati, the Goddess of Wisdom, Knowledge and the Arts, wife of Brahma; it is a time of receiving Divine
Guidance on how to properly use all resources sent your way. This is making most
efficient and purposeful use of everything you are given.

Night and Day Seven:
Kalaratri - Kali Night of no Moon
Kalaratri begins at sunset on Oct. 5 and ends at sunset on Oct. 6
The goddess called Night of Time, Kalaratri, represents nirvana.

What is Nirvana?

Nirvana literally means "The blowing out of a candle". The fire that goes out
does not pass away, but merely becomes invisible by passing into a conscious
experience of union with All That Is. It refers to entry into another mode of
existence and experience. The fire that comes forth is the fire of the self.
This is the "emptiness" which is referred to in many of the teachings. It is an
ideal condition of rest, harmony, stability, or joy; the ability to consciously
pause the mind. Om Namah Shivaya.

You are the ONE who makes the difference-- right here and right now!!
Help just one other person to breathe easier.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


kali ma

Night and Day Two:
Brahmacharini - She Who remains celibate
Brahmacharini begins at Sunset Sept. 30 and ends at Sunset, Oct. 1.

Kali only destroys that which was not created on a solid foundation.

Kali stood for Existence, which meant Becoming because all her world was an eternal living flux from which all things rose and disappeared again, in endless cycles. As a Mother, Kali was called Treasure-House of Compassion (karuna), Giver of Life to the world, the Life of all lives. She was the fount of every kind of love, which flowed into the world only through her agents on earth, women.

Some of Kali's older names found their way into the Bible. As Tara, the earth, she became Terah, mother of the Hebrew ancestral spirits called "teraphim". The Latin Terra, meaning "Mother Earth," said to be interchangeable with Venus.

Indo-European languages branched from the root of Sanskrit, said to be Kali's invention. She created the magic letters of the Sanskrit alphabet and inscribed them on the rosary of skulls around her neck. The letters were magic because they stood for primordial creative energy expressed in sound - Kali's mantras brought into being the very things whose names she spoke for the first time, in her holy language. In short. Kali's worshippers originated the doctrine of the Logos creative Word. Kali's letters magically combined the elements, which were previously separate as fiery-airy (male) or watery-earthy (female) forces. The former were "cruel"; the latter "benevolent. "

Though called "the One," Kali was always a trinity. Her three forms were manifested in many ways: in the three sections of the cosmos (heaven, earth, andthe underworld), the three stages of life, the three trimesters of pregnancy, and so on. Women represented her spirit in mortal flesh. "The Divine Mother first appears in and as Her worshipper's earthly mother, then as his wife; thirdly as Kalika, She reveals Herself in old age, disease and death."

Kali's three forms appeared in the sacred colors known as "Gunas": white for the Virgin, red for the Mother, black for the Crone, symbolizing birth, life, death. Black was Kali's fundamental color as the Destroyer, for it meant the formless condition she assumed between creations, when all the elements were dissolved in her primordial substance. "As white, yellow, and other colors all disappear in black, in the same way ... all beings enter Kali."

Kali is the Goddess who takes away darkness. She destroys all impurities, consumes all inequities, and purifies her devotees with the sincerity of Her love.

Now, the process of expressing a yearning for Kali truly manifests. Begin by entering with focused breath on the heart, and then call Her forth:

Om krim kalyai namah
(We call and bow to Kali, She who is all Life, with honor and respect)

Om hrim srim krim paramesvari kalike svaha
(Great Goddess Kali, by the power of your all-pervading nature and supreme perfection, She who is the mystery of life, death, and regeneration, we are One with you)

Om kali kali mahakali kalike papaharini dharmarthamoksade devi narayani
(Greatest of All, Kali, Great Goddess who is the revealer of Truth, Kali who is
with us in life, make our path one of peace and virtue, bring us your strength for liberation, for self-awareness, for the awakening of our spirit, our planet and all beings, Kali, you who are All, we bow to you!).

Monday, September 29, 2008

Shiva's Lament

Arise O my beloved wife
I am thy husband Shiva-ji
Open thy eyes and look at me!
With thee I can create all things
Without thee I am powerless
I am a corpse, I cannot act
Forsake me not, come back to me!
O let me see thy smile again
Say something sweet into my ear
Dost thou not see me weeping here?
Thy words will be unto my heart
Like summer rain on thirsting land
You used to greet me when we met
With joy and a happy face
Why art thou so still and without voice?
Canst thou not hear how I lament?
O Mother of the Universe,
O Mistress of my soul, arise!
My beautiful and beloved wife,
My faithful spouse, come back to me!

Friday, September 26, 2008


my dot emacs grows
one day i look inside it

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


"If you do what you love to do, then you won't do it in an average way."
~ Angela Bassett

Monday, September 22, 2008


"Music is nothing but unconscious arithmetic."

Gottfried Leibniz

Monday, September 15, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


When you eat too much,
you forget your truth,
and fasting makes you conceited,
so eat with some discipline,
and consciously. Be
an ordinary human being.
Then the door will open,
and you'll recognize the way.
Lalla, be moderate!

- Lalla
14th Century North Indian mystic

Monday, August 11, 2008


In praise of the ampersand

Friday, August 08, 2008


I am here to share the Teachings. I am not a show, not an entertainment, not a crystal ball. I am no one. I am no thing.It is Truth,Simplicity, and Love which forms the foundation of the Teachings. It is Truth,Simplicity,and Love which created this vast multiverse and which powers the life force within. It is the bridge over your obstacles. It is your tool for destroying the Lower Self and connecting to the real you. It is the way to the High Path.

Attach to the Teachings, not the Teacher. Many will look at the Teachings, few will live them. Many will adore the Teacher, few will admire the Teachings. What do I ask in return for sharing the Teachings. That you be of Service to all sentient beings. That you be a Beacon of Light for those moving through the darkness. That you do this unconditionally without regard to outcome.

If you strive to live in Truth,Simplicity, and Love, if you are of Service, you will not be disappointed. If you live in the lower world of ego, your desire for things, money, power, and recognition, will never be satisfied, and only despair will result.




The basic fallacy of man's search is that,
instead of BEING the universal Conscious-
ness or Absolute Principle which he
noumenally IS, he endeavors to attain an
imaginary ideal happiness in his existence
as a phenomenal object by trying to become
something else.
- Ramesh S. Balsekar

Sunday, July 20, 2008


"I don't necessarily agree with everything I say." - Marshall McLuhan


"premature optimization is the root of all evil" - Knuth

Saturday, June 21, 2008


It is good to learn more programming languages, it will make you a make you a better programmer.

Right now I'm programming in haXe, Flash, Ruby, and C++, and I am learning Lisp by watching the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs and getting into a bit of Python. I'm also reading The Art of Computer Programming by Knuth, with his machine language analogue called MIX. Each one is teaching me something different about coding.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


The sage is indifferent. He does not hanker
after more pleasure, nor does he refuse whatever
may come to him by way of experience. There is
no volition, either positive or negative, because
there is no separate entity to choose, want or
strive for anything.

- Ramesh S. Balsekar


"As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves."

Thursday, April 03, 2008

karma yoga

"This is the time of Karma Yoga. It is the method for realization in this Age. Now I want Karma Yoga."

"Courage is necessary. I want to root out idleness and create a world of brave, intelligent beings."


Friday, February 29, 2008


Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world. -- Schopenhauer